Thursday, March 3, 2011

Shoe challenge No. 5

Now I did warn you that things would slow down challenge-wise once the initial enthusiasm had worn off but while I haven't been posting I have been working away on 'shoe stuff'.
I have actually worn a further three pairs (all heels) but having reviewed the photos of pairs five and six (taken by husband number one it must be noted) I've decided they are too crap to use so pair seven will take their place at number five in the challenge. I must say I'm really not enjoying the photo bit, the shoes are fab but the full length photos are less fun, much less fun.
Anway, number five are red patent heels, with a cream patent optional mary jane strap, by Steve Madden that I bought a few years ago in Chicago. I made the purchase on the last day of the trip and had I had more room left in my baggage allowance I'd have bought more than just this one pair as I love this shape. They are uber comfy and very cute.
Forgive the messing about in Photoshop here but the background was just too messy boring. I look like a bit of a gom here but it was the best photo from a shoe point of view. The shoes are worn here with a black Next dress and red wool cardigan from Sicily. I think the belt is Pennys (Primark).

Ready for the close up
This image shows the moveable strap. I tend to wear them with the strap down but mainly because they are a bit too big for me (my feet seem to be shrinking, I've always been a 36/36.5 or 3-3.5 but even my 36s need heel grips this weather and I was a 35.5 in a pair of Christian Louboutins last weekend (trip to the new boutique needs a whole blog to itself!) even with heel grips.

Storage solution
I said I was up to other shoe stuff, so to explain – I decided in order to facilitate wearing my shoes more often I needed a better storage system. My shoes, in the main, had been tucked away in boxes in a walk-in storage cupboard. So, out of sight-out of mind no more: I took myself off to IKEA and several hours later I had this:
It's actually the Billy book case with doors and I LOVE it! No more excuses about not being able to find my shoes. While it only fits a little over half of my 'collection' it will make it a lot easier to just grab a pair in the morning. Also, it will be pretty hard to forget about the challenge as they are RIGHT THERE in the bedroom. Did I mention I love this? *sigh* It may not quite be a 'shoe room' á la Mariah Carey but it's a start. 



  1. Ooh, those are pretty shoes, a pretty outfit, and I kind of like the photoshopped background. I love the new shoe cabinet too. :)

  2. Thank you! I'm very jealous of your Vegas trip.

  3. Thanks. I'd never been before, but the trip was a blast! I can't wait to go back already.

  4. Hi Ali, Thanks for following my blog.
    Btw, I love your Steve Madden heels! I really really want a red pair of heels, but I think my fiance is banning any new shoes after I counted my bunch (which 36 pairs isnt much!)
    Keep up the posting :)

  5. ps. I linked your page on my post <3

  6. I love your shoe storage solution idea! I'd like to get something like this myself... I think I'll be planning a trip to Ikea in the near future :)

  7. Oh how I wish New Zealand had IKEA! Shoe storage solutions are hard to come by, especially on a student budget! Loving your shoe challenge shoes so far, will be keeping up with your progress :-)

  8. Awesome storage! I really like your Photoshopped background, it looks "groovy." :) I agree that I seem to be slowing down a bit on the shoe challenge this week. We need to try to stay strong, because I for one, do not want to lose a single pair! ;) By the way, I like the new title image on the blog, it looks really nice.

  9. I've been dying to find space to store my shoes like that.If there was an IKEA here I think my problems would be solved too :(

    your Steve Madden pumps are so cute :) The photoshopped background is fun hehe.

  10. Thanks for the comments ladies. IKEA is a GODSEND - no two ways about it. We only have it here in Ireland a few years but I can't imagine being without it. I'd have no furniture for one thing!

    I've FINALLY posted a new blog entry - up to 7 pairs rescued now. HATING the photos as much as ever though.
