I'm up to double digits folks! Ten pairs down in Shoeperwoman's Shoe Challenge and 60-something to go. Woohoo! I say 60-odd as a few new pairs need to documented and accounted for. I will get around to this as soon as the last of these pairs arrives. Hopefully they will deserve a blog devoted exclusively to them when the times comes. Let's just say I-AM-EXCITED!
Anyhoo, meanwhile, back at the ranch, there was a shoe challenge entry to be documented... this time I am tardy with the entry as I actually wore this pair last Saturday taking my parents out to lunch in the city centre (T'was yum in case you wanted to know) but am only getting around to posting them now - Thursday lunch time - for shame!
Jimmy Choo black patent and canvas round toe courts
We didn't get around to taking the photo until getting home later that evening so it had to be taken on the terrace (I'm assuming people will be getting tired of my usual indoor locations at this point) after nightfall which was not ideal but hey ho. I'm wearing black and white polka dot dress from New Look and blue coat (colour blocking anyone?) from Debenhams petite collection which was a pressie from husband number one.
Here's the close up(s)
These are definitely the most worn of all my 'good' shoes due to their versatility. Round toes are my favourite shape and the heel, at about three inches, makes them easy to wear so they are my go-to shoes. I've had these for about four years (50% off sale) at a guess but for whatever reason, for the first time they decided (yes, shoes have personalities and can think) to give me a blister... The cheek! I'm still not over this and they may have to stay in the cupboard in disgrace (now that they have been saved) for a while to think over their actions... Or maybe that makes me sound a bit lie a crazeee lady?
Hi, as the title of this blog states, my name is Ali and I'm an 'Imelda' or a shoe obsessive if you prefer, after the infamous Imelda Markos – she of the 3,000 pairs of shoes. This is the story of trying to wear them all within a calendar year

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Shoe challenge 9
So I made it one day earlier this week in my attempt to lessen the stress on poor Shoeperwoman as she goes about her weekly round-up of those taking part in the shoe challenge. Not the best really but better. It was a hectic start to the week with my magazine due to go to press on Tuesday, meaning late nights and early starts. I think part of the reason why I've been posting my updates on a Friday is due to the fact I always work to deadlines and, being honest, because I've always been somewhat of a last-minute-merchant. I do love the feeling when a deadline has been met though, the relief and sense of freedom that the pressure has been lifted for a few days until it begins to build again. It's like having all your homework done with the weekend stretched out in front of you to enjoy at leisure.
There I go, prattling on about random stuff digressing again when I should be discussing important matters like shoes! I actually have worn several pairs of different shoes this week, so while I may not be documenting them all the challenge is making me open the shoe shrine cupboard and think about things rather than just lazily throwing on the same ones from the day before. The nicer weather is helping too as it opens up the possibility of wearing something pretty without fear of frostbite.
Anyway, without further ado the next rescued shoes are Pennys (Primark) tartan flats
While I'm not looking exactly wonderful here at least it is a more interesting setting that I have had to date. The photo (singular - no option to edit here) was taken by husband number one (whose lack of patience has been documented) along the bank of the River Liffey in Dublin's docklands. The shoes, in contract to last week's were cheap as the proverbial chips at a measly €3 from Penneys/Primark about three years ago. You have got to love Pennys for the cheap fashion fix. These are actually really comfy. They are from a family of three (well for €3 a pair it would have been rude not to buy more than one), the others being a gold pair and a leopard print pair: both of which are rather more worn looking than these ones. They are worn here with jeggings and a soft black blazer with grey edging, both from Dunnes Stores, and a black jumper you can't see from Benetton. Scarf is Ralph Lauren, it's cashmere and I love it. There was a bit of a stiff breeze whipping across the river so I threw it on. The bag is my trusty Longchamps which is a veritable wonder bag. It is especially great for carrying flats when I'm in heels and vice versa.
And now for the close up
We were down in the Docklands to got to the O2 to see Kylie (husband number one, it must be noted, was gallantly stepping in to join me as my friend couldn't make it due to a last minute illness). She had a range of fabulous shoes but these were the most notable - strassed Louboutins. They looked like Monsieur's 'Dafodilles' that had been customised with clear straps to make them a little easier to wear. Anyone who can walk, much less strut on stage, in those babies deserves kudos so, as we say in these parts, fair play Kylie!
Here's a pic
...Or indeed two
Friday, March 18, 2011
Shoe challenge 8
I'm not getting much better at this, am I? St Patrick's day kind of upset my routine this week: Wednesday felt like Friday and yesterday like Saturday as we had the day off (yay for patron saints). So here was are again, actually on Friday, and I'm rushing to complete another shoe challenge. Shoeperwoman is going to hate me for always giving her extra work on a Friday morning. Must. Do. Better.
So anyway, the shoes, six weeks in I thought I had better rescue something good. I had rescued a pair of Jimmy Choos a few weeks back but due tohorrific photos technical reasons they didn't complete the journey so, to date, none of my high-end shoes have been saved. I was tempted to rescue my green kitten heel Steve Maddens for a nod to the day that was in it but a) they are not high end and b) that might have been a wee bit too twee, so Louboutins it was.
Lilac Christian Louboutin New Simples with 'wooden' platform and heel
I also need to mention that I need to up my total by one having been powerless to resist a really lovely pair of Steve Madden heels in TKMaxx (at least they were a bargain) and in a few weeks I'm expecting a very special pair and will have to increase the total once more but more of that anon.
So anyway, the shoes, six weeks in I thought I had better rescue something good. I had rescued a pair of Jimmy Choos a few weeks back but due to
Lilac Christian Louboutin New Simples with 'wooden' platform and heel
The angle is not great here as husband number one is not a natural photographer, he may also have had a small hangover from work night pints on the 16th but I didn't tell you that, and was not overly keen on taking direction!
The heels are 120mms, or five inches in old money, with the platform making them more like 100mms which is about my limit. I'm 5ft 2' so with these on I feel tall. They are really elegant and 'simple' and I love them though they are definitely in the car-to-bar category for me.
They are worn here with black leggings (can't recall from where), top from Forever 21, cardigan is DKNY, both tops purchased last weekend.
Here's the close up
I also need to mention that I need to up my total by one having been powerless to resist a really lovely pair of Steve Madden heels in TKMaxx (at least they were a bargain) and in a few weeks I'm expecting a very special pair and will have to increase the total once more but more of that anon.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Shoe challenge 6 and 7
Right so. This laziness is not getting much better is it? I'm forcing myself to do this update before the end of the working week or I'll be in the same position next week but even further behind. Eeek!
Once again I've worn more shoes than I've saved thanks to Shoeperwoman's full length photograph rule, a rule I'm starting to think of as evil.
Anyway, down to business...
Shoe challenge 6 - M&S Autograph purple suede platforms
I bought these just before my wedding last September having fallen in love with them as soon as I saw them. The initial problem was though, that I also loved the same pair in black leather and couldn't decide between them. Then M&S complicated things by not having them available in my size and compounded the issue by denying their very existence on their website. Now there is nothing as good at forcing you into a decision as the fear of having the decision taken away from you, so as soon as I happened upon them in my local M&S I settled on the black ones. BUT, then I found the purple ones too AGHAGHGAH! Then I had a brainwave, I'll buy them both now and see which I REALLY prefer at home and return the others. Excellent idea. Of course you know what happened next... Yes, I kept both pairs. I reasoned to myself that at €60 they were too much of a bargain not to get in both colours. You see, I'd only recently bought my wedding shoes, a pair of Christian Louboutins for £425 so €60 really did seem cheap. If you haven't noticed, I'm quite the master of justification when it comes to all things shoe.
So, here they are, not looking very purple, worn, apparently by some crazy lady, with a Julian McDonald Star for Debenhams dress (there are purple flashes in the pattern) and a black Banana Republic cardigan. They are a wee bit too big for me though (M&S sizes are always a bit odd I find) hence the heel grips *sigh*
Close up
Shoe challenge 7 – black Calvin Klein booties
Having never been a fan of shoe boots or booties, whatever you're having yourself, for some reason I liked this pair when I saw them in Macys at the start of a holiday in Chicago a few years back. They were $300 though so I walked away (it was too early on the trip to commit when there were so many other shoes I had yet to clap eyes on). It must have been fate however because on our last day in Chicago myself and my friend just happened to find ourselves back in the shoe department – no idea how that happened – and they had been knocked down in price by 50%. Woo and hoo respectively! Added to that, the nice folk in Macys give Johnny Foreigner an additional %11 off so with the euro-friendly exchange rate they were a veritable bargain I tell you.
Worn here with a John Rocha for Debenhams dress while having a bad face day (on camera anyway - thought I looked ok IRL... did I mention the photo process being evil). They look great with trousers too and are uber comfy.
Close up
Once again I've worn more shoes than I've saved thanks to Shoeperwoman's full length photograph rule, a rule I'm starting to think of as evil.
Anyway, down to business...
Shoe challenge 6 - M&S Autograph purple suede platforms
I bought these just before my wedding last September having fallen in love with them as soon as I saw them. The initial problem was though, that I also loved the same pair in black leather and couldn't decide between them. Then M&S complicated things by not having them available in my size and compounded the issue by denying their very existence on their website. Now there is nothing as good at forcing you into a decision as the fear of having the decision taken away from you, so as soon as I happened upon them in my local M&S I settled on the black ones. BUT, then I found the purple ones too AGHAGHGAH! Then I had a brainwave, I'll buy them both now and see which I REALLY prefer at home and return the others. Excellent idea. Of course you know what happened next... Yes, I kept both pairs. I reasoned to myself that at €60 they were too much of a bargain not to get in both colours. You see, I'd only recently bought my wedding shoes, a pair of Christian Louboutins for £425 so €60 really did seem cheap. If you haven't noticed, I'm quite the master of justification when it comes to all things shoe.
So, here they are, not looking very purple, worn, apparently by some crazy lady, with a Julian McDonald Star for Debenhams dress (there are purple flashes in the pattern) and a black Banana Republic cardigan. They are a wee bit too big for me though (M&S sizes are always a bit odd I find) hence the heel grips *sigh*
Close up
Shoe challenge 7 – black Calvin Klein booties
Having never been a fan of shoe boots or booties, whatever you're having yourself, for some reason I liked this pair when I saw them in Macys at the start of a holiday in Chicago a few years back. They were $300 though so I walked away (it was too early on the trip to commit when there were so many other shoes I had yet to clap eyes on). It must have been fate however because on our last day in Chicago myself and my friend just happened to find ourselves back in the shoe department – no idea how that happened – and they had been knocked down in price by 50%. Woo and hoo respectively! Added to that, the nice folk in Macys give Johnny Foreigner an additional %11 off so with the euro-friendly exchange rate they were a veritable bargain I tell you.
Worn here with a John Rocha for Debenhams dress while having a bad face day (on camera anyway - thought I looked ok IRL... did I mention the photo process being evil). They look great with trousers too and are uber comfy.
Close up
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Shoe challenge No. 5
Now I did warn you that things would slow down challenge-wise once the initial enthusiasm had worn off but while I haven't been posting I have been working away on 'shoe stuff'.
I have actually worn a further three pairs (all heels) but having reviewed the photos of pairs five and six (taken by husband number one it must be noted) I've decided they are too crap to use so pair seven will take their place at number five in the challenge. I must say I'm really not enjoying the photo bit, the shoes are fab but the full length photos are less fun, much less fun.
Anway, number five are red patent heels, with a cream patent optional mary jane strap, by Steve Madden that I bought a few years ago in Chicago. I made the purchase on the last day of the trip and had I had more room left in my baggage allowance I'd have bought more than just this one pair as I love this shape. They are uber comfy and very cute.
Forgive the messing about in Photoshop here but the background was just toomessy boring. I look like a bit of a gom here but it was the best photo from a shoe point of view. The shoes are worn here with a black Next dress and red wool cardigan from Sicily. I think the belt is Pennys (Primark).
Ready for the close up
This image shows the moveable strap. I tend to wear them with the strap down but mainly because they are a bit too big for me (my feet seem to be shrinking, I've always been a 36/36.5 or 3-3.5 but even my 36s need heel grips this weather and I was a 35.5 in a pair of Christian Louboutins last weekend (trip to the new boutique needs a whole blog to itself!) even with heel grips.
Storage solution
I said I was up to other shoe stuff, so to explain – I decided in order to facilitate wearing my shoes more often I needed a better storage system. My shoes, in the main, had been tucked away in boxes in a walk-in storage cupboard. So, out of sight-out of mind no more: I took myself off to IKEA and several hours later I had this:
I have actually worn a further three pairs (all heels) but having reviewed the photos of pairs five and six (taken by husband number one it must be noted) I've decided they are too crap to use so pair seven will take their place at number five in the challenge. I must say I'm really not enjoying the photo bit, the shoes are fab but the full length photos are less fun, much less fun.
Anway, number five are red patent heels, with a cream patent optional mary jane strap, by Steve Madden that I bought a few years ago in Chicago. I made the purchase on the last day of the trip and had I had more room left in my baggage allowance I'd have bought more than just this one pair as I love this shape. They are uber comfy and very cute.
Forgive the messing about in Photoshop here but the background was just too
Ready for the close up
This image shows the moveable strap. I tend to wear them with the strap down but mainly because they are a bit too big for me (my feet seem to be shrinking, I've always been a 36/36.5 or 3-3.5 but even my 36s need heel grips this weather and I was a 35.5 in a pair of Christian Louboutins last weekend (trip to the new boutique needs a whole blog to itself!) even with heel grips.
Storage solution
I said I was up to other shoe stuff, so to explain – I decided in order to facilitate wearing my shoes more often I needed a better storage system. My shoes, in the main, had been tucked away in boxes in a walk-in storage cupboard. So, out of sight-out of mind no more: I took myself off to IKEA and several hours later I had this:
It's actually the Billy book case with doors and I LOVE it! No more excuses about not being able to find my shoes. While it only fits a little over half of my 'collection' it will make it a lot easier to just grab a pair in the morning. Also, it will be pretty hard to forget about the challenge as they are RIGHT THERE in the bedroom. Did I mention I love this? *sigh* It may not quite be a 'shoe room' á la Mariah Carey but it's a start.
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