Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shoe challenge 9

So I made it one day earlier this week in my attempt to lessen the stress on poor Shoeperwoman  as she goes about her weekly round-up of those taking part in the shoe challenge. Not the best really but better. It was a hectic start to the week with my magazine due to go to press on Tuesday, meaning late nights and early starts. I think part of the reason why I've been posting my updates on a Friday is due to the fact I always work to deadlines and, being honest, because I've always been somewhat of a last-minute-merchant. I do love the feeling when a deadline has been met though, the relief and sense of freedom that the pressure has been lifted for a few days until it begins to build again. It's like having all your homework done with the weekend stretched out in front of you to enjoy at leisure.

There I go, prattling on about random stuff digressing again when I should be discussing important matters like shoes! I actually have worn several pairs of different shoes this week, so while I may not be documenting them all the challenge is making me open the shoe shrine cupboard and think about things rather than just lazily throwing on the same ones from the day before. The nicer weather is helping too as it opens up the possibility of wearing something pretty without fear of frostbite. 

Anyway, without further ado the next rescued shoes are Pennys (Primark) tartan flats
While I'm not looking exactly wonderful here at least it is a more interesting setting that I have had to date. The photo (singular - no option to edit here) was taken by husband number one (whose lack of patience has been documented) along the bank of the River Liffey in Dublin's docklands. The shoes, in contract to last week's were cheap as the proverbial chips at a measly €3 from Penneys/Primark about three years ago. You have got to love Pennys for the cheap fashion fix. These are actually really comfy. They are from a family of three (well for €3 a pair it would have been rude not to buy more than one), the others being a gold pair and a leopard print pair: both of which are rather more worn looking than these ones. They are worn here with jeggings and a soft black blazer with grey edging, both from Dunnes Stores, and a black jumper you can't see from Benetton. Scarf is Ralph Lauren, it's cashmere and I love it. There was a bit of a stiff breeze whipping across the river so I threw it on. The bag is my trusty Longchamps which is a veritable wonder bag. It is especially great for carrying flats when I'm in heels and vice versa. 

And now for the close up

We were down in the Docklands to got to the O2 to see Kylie (husband number one, it must be noted, was gallantly stepping in to join me as my friend couldn't make it due to a last minute illness). She had a range of fabulous shoes but these were the most notable - strassed Louboutins. They looked like Monsieur's 'Dafodilles' that had been customised with clear straps to make them a little easier to wear. Anyone who can walk, much less strut on stage, in those babies deserves kudos so, as we say in these parts, fair play Kylie!

Here's a pic
...Or indeed two


  1. Thanks for your efforts, Alison, it's been a huge help! I love those shoes: I never wear tartan clothes, but I always love the look of it on shoes for some reason! And wow, lookit Kylie! Amazing :)

  2. Hi Ali, very cute tartan shoes :) I wish I could find something like that in Sydney!

    Btw, have awarded you the Liebster Blog award

  3. A very unique challenge!. Good luck!

    Pigalle Passions

  4. Those tartan shoes are AMAZING!!!

  5. Thanks Monique - and they were only €3!
